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Dental Implant News: Straumann Cuts Production, Offers CAD/CAM Ceramic Abutments

December 1st, 2008 · No Comments

Straumann CARES CeramicStraumann Cuts Production


The second largest implant manufacturer, Straumann, has cut implant production due to lagging market growth, according to Reuters. Straumann has actually closed production plants to reduce work hours through the holiday season. Whether a layoff will follow is yet to be known.


CARES CAD/CAM and CARES Ceramic Abutments

Straumann announced CARES Ceramic (Computer-Aided Restoration Service) in October in  Berlin. CARES employs digital impressions, which eliminates the need for traditional impression methods. The digital image can be submitted directly to the production center at Straumann. In a matter of only a few days, a custom titanium implant is delivered to the dentist’s office. CARES Ceramic employs zirconium dioxide rather than titanium for implant abutments.

SOURCE: Reuters; OsseoNews; Straumann

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