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Do You Know Your Zoom! Facts?

August 8th, 2007 · No Comments

Do whitening lights really work…the saga continues. In the dental community, the effectiveness of "laser" whitening procedures has recently endured much criticism. Of course, double-blind studies by Discus Dental, the company that manufactures Zoom!, stand behind the technology. However, independent studies show differing results.

In June’s Dental Practice Report, Dr. Bill Dorfman (whom you all know from Extreme Makeover) wrote an article entitled "Whitening Demystified." He merits chairside teeth whitening procedures for bringing patients who may otherwise not visit the dentist into the office, which, in turn, increases their potential for good oral health. If this is a fact rather than an opinion, then chairside whitening is a rather noble pursuit. According to Dr. Dorfman, the light decreases treatment time. Take home trays require days or weeks to achieve the same results as one 45-minute chairside Zoom! treatment.

With more than 50 thousand Zoom lights in use and nearly 2 million success stories, Zoom! is popular, if nothing else. Patients know the brand name, search for the term online, and may choose your office because you offer Zoom! Discus Dental ( offers many whitening products, including take-home kits and various laser systems. But they also have competition: BriteSmile (, Opalescence (, Sapphire (, and Rod Kurthy’s Deep Bleaching technique (, to name a few.

The best advice in Dr. Dorfman’s article is, "If you feel that chairside whitening using a light isn’t for you, then you shouldn’t offer the procedure." Ah, the golden wisdom of Hollywood…

Truth is, the more you know, the better decision you’ll make for your patients. Check out all of your options, read case studies, and review third-party research before making an investment. Bottom line, know the facts.

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