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One in Ten Americans Suffers from Dry Mouth

October 14th, 2008 · No Comments

It may seem like a small problem if it doesn’t affect you, but dry mouth can be more than annoying. In addition to contributing to sore throat, speech difficulty, an impaired sense of taste and smell, and hoarseness, it can daDry Mouthmage teeth and sensitive oral tissues. Dry mouth occurs when salivary glands do not produce adequate levels of saliva. The condition affects one in ten people and about a quarter of the population over 65 years of age. For institutionalized elderly, about half suffer from dry mouth. The causes of dry mouth range from drugs (antidepressants, antacids, diuretics, and many others) to cancer radiation therapy and various diseases, including Sjogren’s syndrome. One in ten of your patients may have dry mouth.

Treatment for the condition has included mouth rinses, gum, candy, mints, and frequent hydration. Drugs to boost saliva production are available by prescription. Novura recently introduced Salese™, a soft lozenge that wards off bacteria (reduces biofilm) and retains moisture in the mouth for one hour or longer. Salese contains no sugars or alcohol, but it does have Xylitol and helps the mouth maintain consistent, good pH balance. With sustained release, SuRe™, Salese provides extended dry mouth relief. If you’d like to know more about Nuvora’s program for dental health professionals, click here. Samples are available, as are professional packs.

For more information on dry mouth, visit


Tags: Clinical